
Oct 29, 202327 min read
Captive Breeding Hermit Crabs
Is it not feasible to breed hermit crabs in captivity without a scientific degree and laboratory setup? This is a common misconception...
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Sep 19, 202311 min read
50 Hermit Crab FAQ's
How long is too long in the pool? There is no set amount of how long your crabby can be in the pools, as long as you have a safe way in...
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Sep 11, 20239 min read
Hermit Crab Glossary - Understanding The Lingo
If you are a member of online Hermit Crab forums, Facebook groups or read crab care blogs online, you may come across some words related...
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Jun 12, 20232 min read
Is my Hermit Crab a Boy or a Girl?
One may have pondered the gender of their hermit crab, seeking clarity on whether it is a male or female. Determining the gender of your...
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